Is recruiting and Human Resources management a crucial challenge for your company’s development?
Pioneers in the digital recruitment sector for more than 15 years, Altaide has assisted startups, entrepreneurs and companies in recruiting the best in Managers, IT, Digital, e-Commerce, Big Data, mobile, …
Altaïde: experiences and experts
Criteo, Blablacar, Emakina, Teads, Sigfox, PriceMinister, … are proof of this. The success of an innovative company is primarily linked to the quality of its team, and therefore, to its recruitment. This is an essential rule for success.
The upsurge in the number of startups and digital projects in companies, shortage of profiles, increasingly specialized jobs, lack of time … recruiting for these environments has become an ecosystem specialist job!
Our contribution: sharing the Altaïde experience
- A role of human resources advisor for managers
- Solid knowledge in France and international headhunting
- A passion: building effective teams from CEO to Community Manager through senior management, sales, marketing and technology positions.
Altaïde, the answer of a specialist:
- About 20 years of experience in the sector:
- + than 3500 recruits
- + than 1500 candidates seen per year
- and + than 400 clients, including many well-known actors
- Specialized in High Tech / Digital / e-Commerce and all digital professions.
- A human scale for greater dynamism
- Pioneer of social recruitment since 2004!
- With certified signature of “LinkedIn Professional Recruiter”
- Wide geographic coverage in France, Europe and the USA.
An innovative approach to recruitment
- A team of experts with experience in the latest requirements of the digital ecosystem.
- A renewal of recruitment activity in light of social media and big data
- A recognized role of innovator in social recruitment by human resources experts
- First agency in France to integrate LinkedIn, Twitter, matching their processes
- A strong community with more than 100K followers.
- An advanced CRM to monitor candidates
A commitment to best HR practices
- A “modern” approach to the candidate relationship
- Online internship exchange between clients, recruiters and candidates.
- A concern for the development of “HR 2.0” methods
- Rigorous ethics in favor of equal opportunities
“À la carte” service offer
Executive Job Search Recruitment
- Search for executive positions: CEO, CTO, CFO, VP Sales, VP Marketing…
- Recruitment: Sales, Marketing, Development, IT, Consulting
- Startup recruiter: software publishers, web 2.0, e-commerce, mobile …
- Digital Recruitment: Agencies, Advertising and Retail.
Profile evaluation
- Evaluation of candidates to ensure their recruitment
- Analysis of team skills in the due diligence phase
- Testing and evaluation in the context of internal development.
RH 2.0 Consulting
- Outsourcing Recruitment, Part-time Director of Human Resources
- Employer brand strategy: advice, support
- Social networks and recruitment: LinkedIn expert
- Procurement through social networks
- Employer brand referral strategy
- Community management of human resources
Our goal: The right (wo)man in the right place
- Altaïde DNA turned for 16 years towards innovation, participatory cultures, lean startup, agile, … allowing us to understand their needs
- A significant attack force on the networks and an industrialized supply that allows easy access to most of the targets
- Recognized experience in skills assessment (Management, Marketing, Sales, Technician …)
- Well established and fast processes to carry out our missions as quickly as possible